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How to Automatically Highlight Code Blocks in Your Next.js App (app router) ? πŸŒˆπŸ“š

How to Automatically Highlight Code Blocks in Your Next.js App (app router) ? πŸŒˆπŸ“š

How to Automatically Highlight Code Blocks in Your Next.js App (app router) ? πŸŒˆπŸ“š

Ever stumbled upon a blog post with beautifully highlighted code blocks and wondered, "How can I make my code look this cool?" Well, if your site is powered by Next.js, you're in for a treat! Let's dive into the magic of making your code blocks pop with colors and styles, effortlessly.

πŸ–₯️ The Challenge with Plain Code Blocks

Imagine this: You're crafting an insightful blog post, filled with code snippets to share your coding wisdom.

For this blog, I wanted to highlight codeblock to make thing easier to read.

To give you all the context, I store my article to a Stapi API in markdown format.

I can use the markdown notation to create codeblock like that :

Pasted image 20240311124111.png

Using the react-markdown library, I transform the article into proper HTML. But alas, the code blocks look... well, a bit dull. 😞

✨ Enter Highlight.js

To bring life to these code blocks, we enlist the help of Highlight.js, a library that scans your page's DOM for code elements to spruce them up with custom classes and CSS magic.

Sounds like a fairy tale, right? But hold on... there's a catch.

Highlight.js relies on web browser APIs to examine the DOM. In a Next.js environment, where server components reign supreme, document or window might as well be figments of our imagination. 😒

🌐 Crafting a Client-Side Solution

Fear not! The solution lies in creating a client component dedicated to loading Highlight.js exclusively in the browser.

The Code Spell: component/Highlight.js

"use client"; // Ensuring it's browser territory
import hljs from "highlight.js"; // The magic library
import "highlight.js/styles/panda-syntax-dark.min.css"; // Stylish code attire
import {useEffect} from "react";

export default function Highlight() {
    useEffect(() => {
        // Just double-checking we're not dreaming
        if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
            // The magical incantation
    }, []); // This charm is cast only once

    return null; // Invisible but mighty

🎨 To find your perfect code theme, explore every preset here. I'm quite smitten with panda-syntax-dark.

πŸš€ Deploying the Magic Throughout Your Blog

Now, you can invoke this component anywhere you've got code blocks awaiting their glow-up. It'll spring into action on the client side, leaving your pages both performant and SEO-friendly.

Implementing the Highlight: blog/page.js

import React from "react";
import {notFound} from "next/navigation";
import getAllBlogs from "/src/services/blog.services";
import RenderMdx from "/src/components/Blog/RenderMdx";
import Highlight from "/src/components/Highlight"; // Import the component here

export default async function BlogPage({params}) {
    const allBlogs = await getAllBlogs();
    const blog = allBlogs.find((blog) => blog.url === params.slug);

    if (!blog) {

    return (<>
                <RenderMdx blog={blog}/> {/*Transforming markdown to HTML*/}
                <Highlight/> {/*Casting the color spell on the client side only*/}

🌟 The Enchanting Outcome

With this setup, your articles and code snippets are rendered server-side, benefiting from Next.js's SSR or SSG superpowers. This means lightning-fast loading times and a boost in SEO - all while ensuring your readers are greeted with aesthetically pleasing code blocks. It's a true win-win! 😁