Logo signature de Bréval Le Floch


June 8, 2024




ForVoyez - AI-Powered Image Metadata Generation 🌟

🚀 An Innovative SaaS Platform for SEO-Optimized Image Metadata

License Next.js Tailwind CSS

ForVoyez is a cutting-edge platform designed to automatically generate SEO-friendly alternative text, titles, and captions for images using advanced AI technology. Perfect for businesses looking to enhance their search engine rankings with minimal effort.

Project Overview

  • Objective: To provide a seamless API for generating SEO-optimized image metadata.
  • Features: Automatic generation of alt text, titles, and captions, support for various image formats, secure API access, detailed usage statistics, and flexible pricing plans.

Technologies and Tools

  • Framework: Next.js for robust and scalable web development.
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS for quick and efficient UI design.
  • Database: PostgreSQL for reliable data management.
  • AI: Integration with OpenAI's language models for generating metadata.

Key Achievements

  • SEO Optimization: Enhanced image search rankings through automatic metadata generation.
  • API Integration: Easy integration into existing workflows with customizable JSON output.
  • User-Friendly: Interactive API playground and comprehensive documentation for smooth onboarding.

Development and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/For-Hives/ForVoyez.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd forvoyez
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Set up PostgreSQL with Docker:
    docker run --name forvoyez-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=forvoyez -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=forvoyez -e POSTGRES_DB=forvoyez -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
  5. Configure environment variables in .env file.
  6. Run database migrations and generate Prisma client:
    npm run prisma-migrate
    npm run prisma-generate
  7. Start the development server:
    npm run dev

Webhook Configuration for Local Development

  • Using Webhook.site: Forward webhooks to your local server using @webhooksite/cli.
  • Alternative with ngrok: Create a secure tunnel to your local server.

Image Metadata Generation Process

  1. Image Upload: User uploads image with optional context and custom JSON schema.
  2. Analysis: Image is analyzed using computer vision techniques.
  3. Metadata Generation: Visual features and context are processed by OpenAI's language models.
  4. Output: SEO-optimized metadata returned in customizable JSON format.


ForVoyez revolutionizes the way businesses handle image metadata, providing an efficient and scalable solution for enhancing SEO. Join us and elevate your image SEO game!

Explore ForVoyez and harness the power of AI to boost your image search rankings effortlessly! 🌟

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