Logo signature de Bréval Le Floch


March 7, 2023




Our Community of Artists and Craftsmen 🎨

A platform dedicated to unique art and craftsmanship

Passion and Creativity

  • Our members: Passionate independent artists and craftsmen
  • Our works: Unique pieces, crafted with care and expertise, reflecting the inspiration and creativity of each creator
  • Commitment: Only limited edition works and single-copy pieces

Eco-Responsibility and Social Responsibility 🌱

  • Use of sustainable and recycled materials
  • Support for emerging artists and art schools to promote diversity

Philosophy and Vision

  • Creativity as a collective experience
  • Encouragement of expression and social critique through art

Our E-Commerce Project 💻

  • Creation of an e-commerce site for this community of artists
  • Technology: Developed in SvelteJS
  • Hosting: Deployed via PaaS (CapRover) on a VPS from Contabo
  • Special Feature: No automation to preserve the uniqueness of the works (upon explicit request)


  • Join us: Discover our unique creations and express your personality through art
  • For artists: A space to share your passion and vision

Other team's members for this project :
